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Photography Question 

Kimberly J. Whipps

Lighting Question - Problem


Kimberly J. Whipps


Kimberly J. Whipps


Kimberly J. Whipps

I just got my first light yesterday. It is an Alienbee 1600 unit. I got a large octabox with it and I use a reflector for fill. I have a sedonic L-308s meter. I shoot with a Canon 20D. I think that's all the equipment info.

Now, for the problem. I was trying to figure things out with it all last night as I have never used studio lights before. And I had good results with the lighting, but some odd happenings. I am posting some photos and asking if anyone can tell me what the problems are.

The first one was shot at 250 ss and 22 aper, and it has little black spots on it, like my lens or sensor was dirty.

The second was shot at 250 ss and 5.6 aper (I know it's blurry, that's not my concern) and the spots are gone.

The third was shot at 500 ss and 11 aper and there is a black line on the side, like something was in the shot.

Now, I know my cardboard box makes a beautiful subject...please don't be jealous. :)

It was 11pm so the strobe was the only light source. I am just wondering if anyone out there can help explain any of these results.

Thanks for any help you can give.

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November 08, 2005


Jon Close
  1st & 2nd ones: yep, that'll happen at f/22. Clean the sensor and/or shoot at wider apertures. You lose sharpness to diffraction at f/22 anyway.

3rd one: Yes, something was in the shot - the 2nd shutter curtain. The camera will sync with flash at 1/250 and longer shutter speeds. At faster shutter speeds the shutter is not open on the entire sensor. The first and 2nd curtains form an open slit that passes across the image frame. High speed sync is possible only with an EX-series or similar flash that pulses light while the shutter travels across the image frame.

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November 08, 2005


Samuel Smith
  generally speaking,f22 can be your friend.

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November 08, 2005

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