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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Chris Macer

Focus switch on the Canon 70-200 F2.8L

Hey guys!

Just a quick question about the Canon EF70-200mm f/2.8L USM. Just bought a 2nd hand copy and I'm wondering what the purpose of the minimum focusing distance swtich on the side of the lens is. You can select 1.5m - infinity or 3m - infinity. How do I effectively use it? This is the first lens I have owned that has this option. Thanks in advance for any help with this one! :)

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November 07, 2005


Jon Close
  The focus elements must move much farther to make close focus adjustments than for distant focus. The turn from 3m down to 1.5m is about 1/3 of the total focus ring turning range. If you know your subject is at least 3m distant, than autofocusing time is shortened by setting the 3m-infinity limit. In addition, if you're using AI Servo (constant AF), then using the 3m-infinity setting will keep the lens from refocusing on a closer object (say if a bird or person crosses between you and your subject).

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November 07, 2005


Chris Macer
  ahhh, I see! That makes sense! Very useful stuff as I bought this for sports where AI Servo will be used a lot. Much appreciated! Cheers, Jon :)

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November 07, 2005

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