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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Lynsey Lund

Compressed air

I had my CCD cleaned by a camera shop here and they did a really crappy job. I was wondering if I can use the compressed air that I buy for my computer...ya know the big cans from the office store? I know they can kind of secrete a moisture with the air so I wanted to make sure I wasn't going to ruin or hurt my camera at all. Thanks!

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November 05, 2005


Christopher A. Vedros
  Everything I have read warns against using the canned compressed air. One reason is the moisture that you mentioned.

Sometimes the canned air comes out very cold, also. If you're in a high-humidity area (like me) this can cause condensation on the sensor if you cool it rapidly.

The canned air also comes out at a high velocity, and particles that it picks up could hit the sensor with enough force to damage it.

You're better off using a squeeze-bulb type blower, with the soft brush on the end.

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November 05, 2005


Lynsey Lund
  Thanks! I'll pick one up.

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November 08, 2005

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