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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Carla Freitas

Dirty Lenses

I just bought a Finepix S7000 camera. I noticed a black dot near the right hand side of my pictures (and I can see it in the viewfinder as well) I have cleaned the lens but it is still there. What is it, and how do I make it go away?

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November 05, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
  Dust in the viewfinder, especially if it is not in the images. This would indicate that it is not in the line of light from subject to film. Either have a pro shop clean it or live with it.

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November 05, 2005


Carla Freitas
  No it actually shows up on the photos, sometimes it's more obscure than others depending on the subject matter
but I clean the lens and it is still there.

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November 05, 2005


Terry R. Hatfield
  Sounds Like Dust On Your Sensor,Or You Have a Pixel Out It Usually Appears In A Blue Section Of The Sky At Smaller Apertures Or Lighter Portions Of The Image Im Not Sure Why You Can See It In The Viewfinder Though?As Chris Said If You Can See It Its In The Viewfinder Too,Remember That If The Spot On The Image Is In The Upper Left Corner (Example)The Actual Spot Is In The Lower Right Corner On The Sensor When Viewed From The Lens End Of The Camera And Usually Cant Be Seen With The Naked Eye. Various Cleaning Supplies Are Made To Clean It If You Feel Confident About Doing It Yourself Or You Can Send It In And Have It Cleaned Carla.

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November 05, 2005

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