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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

HELP: reflection in lens

I have a cannon digital rebel. While on vacation this past week I switched my lenses, and all of the sudden I have a reflection when I look through the view finder. My camera suddenly will not auto focus with either lens, but I am able to manually focus, and no reflection appears in the image when I download it on my computer. What happened? Did I do something weird when switching lenses (i did not touch anything out of the normal). What can I do to fix this?

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October 07, 2005


Kelly Kemmerling
  Rachel, I know somebody who started noticing a reflection on her Canon Rebel XT, particulary with night shots. Its autofocus was confused by the filter attached to the front of the lens. I found something about it on the web before but have had no luck tonight. Do you have the same problem without the filter? When you manually focus, you might be circumventing that problem.

Sometimes SLR lenses sometimes need to be serviced/re-calibrated to solve focus problems but it would be odd for both to go out at same time. Good luck!

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October 07, 2005


John G. Clifford Jr
  Well, if it was working before and now it's not, then you must have changed something.

You say you have a 'reflection' when you look through the viewfinder. Perhaps you introduced some dirt into the camera body. Get a blower bulb brush, take the lens off, hold the camera so that the lens mount is pointing down, and then squeeze the blower bulb brush as you sweep it around the inside of the camera's lens mount to clean out any debris that might be in there. The reason you hold the camera pointing down is because gravity will remove any debris you dislodge.

Check and clean the backs of the lenses also.

Then, put everything together and see how it works. If you're still having problems, time to take your equipment to the local camera shop and let someone else see if they can figure out what the problem is.

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October 08, 2005


Jon Close
  "... reflection when I look through the viewfinder ... will not autofocus ... no reflection appears in the image ..."
Probably something on the mirror. That could affect AF and would not appear in the photo. The mirror is very delicate and easily scratched - do not touch it or try to clean it with lens cleaner solution or cloths. Use a blower brush as John suggested.

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October 08, 2005

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