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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

RAY Pompa

Photo rendering

The digital photo that I print out on my Hp photo printer is diferent from what I see on the computer monitor. I use Photoshop and others and it makes no diference. If I print strait from the card on the printer the colors come out perfect. But it is hard to edit and color correct if the pic I see on the screen prints out diferent.

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October 05, 2005


robert G. Fately
  Ray, you are experiencing a reality of digital imaging - that different devices have inherently different color capabilities. To overcome this issue, you need to calibrate your monitor and printer so that what you see on one becomes what you get on the other.

Because monitors use "additive" color technology (the combination of Red, Green and Blue dots to present an image to your eye) and printers use "subtractive" technology (starting with white paper, then laying down layers of Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and possibly black (and more nowadays) so you see the light that is left over) there is no direct 1-1 correspondence from color to color. That is, if the digital code 12,144, 72 is some shade of teal on the monitor, the computer (printer driver) has to translate those numbers into a set of 4 (or 6 or 8) numbers so the printer can lay down the proper proportions of ink.

This is never simple, and an entire cottage industry has grown around the calibration of printers and monitors for just this reason. I suggest you get a book on the subject to really get an understanding - Harald Johnson's "Mastering Digital Printing: The Photographer's and Artist's Guide to High-Quality Digital Output" (Paperback) is quite excellent.

Hope that helps!

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October 06, 2005


RAY Pompa
  Thank you.
Calibration seems to work.

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October 07, 2005

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