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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Sherri McGee

The Nikon SW-10H Diffusion Dome

I have been reading recommendations about Omni bounce and diffusion domes. I got the Nikon SW-10H diffusion dome with my SB-800 flash unit. I leave it on my flash all the time. Now I am reading the following.....The Nikon SW-10H Diffusion Dome attaches to the SB-800 and SB80DX's flash head to produce a omni-directional diffused light effect. For wide-angle lenses up to 14mm wide. I didn't realize it was for wide angle lenses. Is there a different product that I need for my 18-70 lens and my 70-200 lens? thanks

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September 26, 2005


Jon Close
  The diffusion dome (as well as the Omnibounce and other similar diffusers) can be used with any lens, not just wide-angles. The diffused light from the flash produces less glare and less harsh shadowing, regardless of the lens.

These products all reduce the effective range of the flash, and this needs to be kept in mind when shooting at greater subject to flash distance with a telephoto lens.

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September 27, 2005

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