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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Melanie Walker

Trouble with a Canon EOS 700

I recently purchased a used Canon EOS 700 which seemed to work great until I got my first films developed from it. Out of 2 full 24 exp rolls of film I only had 15 images, the rest were totally blank. Pictures were taken both with and without a flash and some of each came out. If anyone has any idea what would have caused this I'd greatly appreciate it.

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September 21, 2005


Jon Close is a pretty good overview of this old model.

Blank frames are either severely underexposed unlikely given the 700's exposure modes are all totally automatic. My guess is the shutter is malfunctioning. Early EOS models, like the 700, have a problem with the foam bumper stops for the shutter deteriorating and turning to a sticky goo. See for an example.

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September 21, 2005


Jon Close
  P.S. forgot this useful link:

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September 21, 2005


Melanie Walker
  I just looked at my shutter curtain and sure enough, I too have goop, thank you very much for the help.

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September 21, 2005

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