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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Mandy Hank


What is the difference between Canvas backgrounds and Muslin backgrounds? Which is better. I want to buy some for pregnancy studio photos and don't know which to buy

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September 19, 2005


Debby A. Tabb
  I would suggest you start with muslin for what you are going to do.
Muslin is very portable and easy to use,
canvas, though I like the look better is quite diffacult to haul around , it is ment for a studio (free standing) setting as it comes on large rollers.
where as Muslins fold up easily.
satins also make for nice backdrops and wraps for maternity shots.
I do hope this helps,

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September 19, 2005


Mandy Hank
  Thank you, that does help Debby! Appreciate it! :)

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September 19, 2005

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