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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Daniela Meli

Studio Lights Problem

The other day I went to a studio and took some photos using studio flashes. I took two rolls, one b&W, which I developed at home, and one color, which I took to the store to be developed. Both came out with the same problem. Most of the frames were not even exposed, and some had only one-third of the frame exposed (the top third of the negative was correctly exposed and the rest completely blank). I checked my camera, and it seems to be working fine, plus I shot another roll at home and it came out OK. Could it be that I used shutter speed that was too fast (I did use a photometer)? Could it be that the mirror was getting stuck? Any other ideas?

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September 16, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
You have answered your question - shutter speed. You had too fast of a shutter speed set for the flash to sync with the shutter speed. Cameras vary, but average 1/125 -1/250 as the fastest shutter speed you can use. If you set your camera manually to 1/60, you should always be fine. A flash meter only helps you with f/stop but doesnt know your camera sync speed.

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September 17, 2005

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