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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 
- Fax Sinclair

BetterPhoto Member
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Ak! Nikon 8700 Fires by itself!

Maybe someone can gelp me while I await a response from Nikon. My Coolpix 8700 starts firing -- taking picture after picture and I have to turn it off to stop it. I thought maybe I was pushing a button while handling the camera, but no. I went in ans reset all settings to factory, thinking that would help. Now it even does it during playback -- and I'm not touching the camera.

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September 13, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  Maybe it's haunted? My other guess would be a short in the shutter.

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September 13, 2005

- Fax Sinclair

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Fax Sinclair
Fax Sinclair's Gallery
  Ooooh, both sound bad. I was thinking evil fairies! But looks like I'll be without it for awile. thanks for commenting!

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September 13, 2005


  Is your camera still taking pics on its own? Mine just started doing it and was wondering if you got yours straightened out. Anywhooo...

Thank you,

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October 25, 2005

- Fax Sinclair

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Fax Sinclair
Fax Sinclair's Gallery
  Hi Skinny M,
I had to send it to the shop. It started deleting whole memory cards. Nikon said it was the battery, which I don't understand, since I sent it with out the batt. But OK, just fix it and send it back!

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November 18, 2005

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