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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Sam Berg

Camera Problems?

Hi, I am just starting to use a "real" camera. It's my mom's old camera, a Nikon FG. I think it needs to be cleaned, and also the shutter keeps getting stuck. How do I open the camera to put the film in? I tried all the buttons and switches, but nothing seems to happen. I just got some new batteries for it too, but I really dont know how to use it, and there is no one who can really teach me how to use it. Any info and help would be great. Thanks.

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September 09, 2005


Sam Berg
  i read that you are supposed to pull up the rewind wheel, but I did and nothing happened.

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September 09, 2005


Jon Close
  Complete description, including photos, illustrations, and instructions - for the FG is available at A .pdf of the user manual can be downloaded at

If pulling up the rewind knob does not release the filmback door, then it's possible it is damaged and in need of repair.

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September 09, 2005


Will Turner
  It's always best to read the manual before starting to operate an unfamiliar camera. Make sure it has a fresh battery installed with proper polarity. You may have to turn the shutter speed dial to M90 to fire the camera mechanically if you've locked it up. Make certain battery contacts are clean. FG cameras at this point could probably use a good CLA to get them working right.

Can't remember if the FG has a rewind knob lock that has to be slid back before pulling the rewind knob up to unlock the film door. If it still won't work, either the latch is bad, the door is bent, or the foam seals have turned to goo and are holding the film door in place. If it's the latter, you might have to gently pry it back along several places (be careful!), then clean & install new foam seals.

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September 09, 2005

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