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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

both flash and camera zooming

My Canon Speedlite 550 EX flash doesn't move the zoom when I use it on ETTL M or Multi together with my Canon EOS 350 D. when I move the zoom ring on the lens, nothing happens with the flash zoom. Is it normal ? What do I have to set up in order to coordinate the flash zoom with the camera zoom ?

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September 06, 2005


Jon Close
  Right. If the display reads "E-TTL [M]Zoom 24mm" (or 28mm, 35mm,...) then the 550EX is set for a manual zoom setting and it will not change the head automatically. Press the button until [M] is no longer displayed. (See p. 19 of the user manual).

A couple of things...
(1) the communication between lens/camera/speedlight isn't continuous. If you haven't "wakened" the speedlight with a half-press of the shutter, it won't zoom the head.
(2) the speedlight's zooming is discrete. It changes from 24mm to 28mm to 35mm to 50mm to 70mm to 80mm to 105mm. The speedlight will not change from the 35mm setting to the 50mm setting unless you've zoomed the lens longer than 50mm.
(3) it won't change the head setting if the lens is zoomed beyond the range of the flash. The speedlight's head cannot automatically zoom shorter than 24mm, nor longer than 105mm.

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September 06, 2005


Jon Close
  s/b - "Press the ZOOM button until [M] is no longer displayed."

Additionally, the head should zoom automatically when set for M/Multi. When set for M (Manual output) or Multi (Stroboscopic), "E-TTL" will not be displayed. You cycle through E-TTL, M, and Multi by pressing the MODE button.

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September 06, 2005

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