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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Nick Kirk

Fuji S3 problems

I have been using an S3 for the last few months, and noticed problems with the image when using small aperatures from f22 and smaller. The processed image appears to have diagonal lines from the edges running into the image. I have sent the camera back and am now onto my forth body, but Fuji refuse to say there is a problem with the camera. The retailer I bought it from says he can't do anymore. The amount of post production work I am doing is becoming very time consuming as the images are sent to Stock Agencies so need to be perfectly clean.
Has anybody ele seen or heard of these problems??
Any help would be appreciated, as the only solution I can think of is to give up on Fuji and buy the D2X.
Thanks Nick

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August 23, 2005


Christopher A. Vedros
  Can you post an example? Have you noticed it with more than one lens?

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August 23, 2005


Nick Kirk

Nick Kirk

  Viewed at 100%
Viewed at 100%

Nick Kirk

Hi Chris,
Yes, this is definately a problem either with the censor, or how the image is processed in the camera. The supplier, checked all the bodies I sent back with brand new lenses and found the same problem when using using small aperatures. Fuji say that thay cannot reproduce what I have and the supplier have done. Which basically means they can't be arsed.
The image I have uploaded was taken as a RAW file. The enlarged area (100%) is taken from the top of the image. I have added a bit more contrast so that you can see it more clearly.

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August 23, 2005

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