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Photography Question 

Martin Baadsgaard

Noise on D70, again..

Realised how hard it was to answer my previous post, so I'll try in another way.
Anyone got some pictures I can compare to? pictures taken with a D70, with a setup I can somewhat dublicate, just to know if the noise is a common problem, or if there really is something wrong.
I see pictures which are nearly noise-free at ISO 1600, where there is alot of light, and that seams weird to me, that I get noise at ISO 200, in strong light...

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August 16, 2005


Terry R. Hatfield
  Post An Image With The Problem You Refer To Martin,It Really Helps To See What Is Happening In The Image!

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August 16, 2005


Martin Baadsgaard
Sorry about that. Did in the previous post... NO answer there though. But here it is...

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August 16, 2005


Martin Baadsgaard
Sorry about that. Did in the previous post... NO answer there though. But here it is...

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August 16, 2005


Martin Baadsgaard
Wow, don't know what went wrong there, just wanted to add the picture, but it just double posted..
But here it is.. (I hope..)

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August 16, 2005


Martin Baadsgaard
  I do not know why it won't attach, the picture is already on the forum though, under the thread: "Monochromatic noise on D70 at ISO 200"...
Sorry for the troubles, but this is just bugging me.

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August 16, 2005


Sharon Day
  I've found when trying to post a photo for an example you have to upload the photo completely. Last time I tried putting something in a disucssion it's how I had to do it. Also, if you could provide the link to the other photo that would help.

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August 17, 2005


Martin Baadsgaard
  Thanks. I'll just link to it instead:

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August 17, 2005


Sharon Day
  Ok, I have seen what you are referring to in my own images. I don't have anything offhand taken with the 18-70mm lens where it's that obvious. I've found from my own experience if I underexpose then try to fix it in Photoshop the noise is worse. I don't usually notice it in perfectly exposed shots. If your shots were exposed properly to begin with then I'm not sure why you're having so much noise. I never shoot over ISO 200 either. Hopefully someone can provide a better answer for you.

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August 17, 2005


Terry R. Hatfield
Looks Like The Top Left,Bottom Left,And The Bottom Right Images Were Underexposed Causing The Grainy Apperance The Top Right Image Appears To Have Lens Flare,Im Not Sure Why The D70 Does This I Have Seen It Before Too! Here Is A Correctly Exposed Image From The D70 Martin

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August 17, 2005


Terry R. Hatfield
  Oh Martin, The Example Would Be ISO 200 Also..

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August 17, 2005


Martin Baadsgaard
  There are no lenseflares. The top right picture is taken on a window, in my room, at about 13:00 with the light falling through the window directly from the sun.
But at an angle, so the sun doesn't shine into the lense. The top right is also exposure compensated in RAW software, but with -0,3EV, so not in the "wrong" direction.
Taken at 1/500sec. F/5.6 ISO-200.
But another thing. is noise very obvious even at ISO 200 when shooting very dark places, at about 2 second shutter speed? (With NR on on the camera). Been playing with my new flash, and got even more noise problems :(

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August 18, 2005

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