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Photography Question 

Dan P. Brodt

Epson2200-Printing Purple/Bands

I have a 2200(Is a 2400 any better with ink problems?) that if I don't use monthly I get much color printing problems.All ink is Epson ink. I have new ink cartridges but even with brand new,2 show nozzle line test problems and cleaning does nothing. The yellow only prints test lines about 1/2 way and the magenta nothing yet I can get ink from cartridge and it is a month old. Next when I print it is all magenta cast and 2 sets of 1/16" lines running up/down the 4x6. Nothing I do seems to work. Any hints please?

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August 08, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  You may need to print more frequently than "monthly." The "lines" you refer to are called "banding," and is a typical problem when your ports are clogged. Also, for some reason, Yellow and Magenta do seem to be the first to clog, as I have also experienced this in the past.
Suggestion - (I do this, and have not had a clogging problem since) Open a small, new PS file. On it draw a small square or rectangle with all the different inks you have, being sure to use black, red, blue, green, yellow, magenta, lt magenta, cyan, and lt cyan. Then once a week, open this file and print it out on scrap paper. This will help keep all your ports clean. Before and after, run your nozzle test also.
I think I'd also check with Epson if the problem persists - none of us on this forum are really "experts."
Michael H. Cothran

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August 08, 2005


Dan P. Brodt
  Thanks Mike! Does it take you many times to get the nozzles unclogged? Could it be something elseafter the cartridge?

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August 08, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  "Does it take you many times to get the nozzles unclogged?"

Dan -
Yes. There were times when I would run the cleaning cycle several times to no avail. Sometimes each cycle would produce new clogged ports while unclogging others. Never did make much sense. In this case, I'm told that it is better to turn off the printer after no success with 4-5 cycles, and just let it sit a while, maybe even over night. Then try again.
On one occasion I could not get the yellow to print to save my life. I finally contacted Epson, and they replaced the printer, free of charge (it was still under warranty).
You can also buy cleaning cartridges online.
Nowadays, I run my printers pretty frequently, 4-5 times per week, so they don't have time to clog. That's why I suggest periodic running the color file you set up to keep your ports fresh. Doing this once or twice a week should prevent future clogging.

"Could it be something else after the cartridge?"

Could be Dan, but I don't know what else it could be. One should not have this hassle, but I believe the problem in your case is simply not using the printer enough. If a piece of foreign matter were lodged in a port, it seems like you would start seeing ink spilling over. Like I said, if you can't get all the ports to print after several cleaning cycles, contact Epson. If your printer is still under warranty, they may replace it for you.
Michael H. Cothran

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August 08, 2005

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