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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Piotr M. Organa

My new R800 prints dark

I tried updated drivers, different profiles and papers, tech support, internet - nothing. Prints are great, but too dark. I'm going to order custom profiles - my last hope.
Any advice?

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August 05, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
  Hi, Are you 100 percent sure your monitor is properly calibrated. Are you using a Mac or PC. If using a mac I may be able to help as I had the same problem.

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August 10, 2005


Piotr M. Organa
  Thanks for responding, Simon!
I do have PC.
No hardware to calibrate monitor. Online tests that I tried and Adobe Gamma look ok...

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August 10, 2005


BetterPhoto Member

I ended up buying a Gretag Macbeth eyeone 11 and saw an improvement straight away against software alone.

If you use photoshop try Edit>convert to Profile then under destination space select the profile for spr800 and you paper type. I try to stick to epson papers.

i know it will sound silly but is moniter set to the right SB mode. I have three settings and if you are not on the correct one your prints will not agree with your monitor .The correct setting for my Mitsubishi monitor is SB1.


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August 10, 2005


BetterPhoto Member

I ended up buying a Gretag Macbeth eyeone 11 and saw an improvement straight away against software alone.

If you use photoshop try Edit>convert to Profile then under destination space select the profile for spr800 and you paper type. I try to stick to epson papers.

I know it will sound silly but is monitor set to the right SB mode. I have three settings and if you are not on the correct one your prints will not agree with your monitor .The correct setting for my Mitsubishi monitor is SB1.


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August 10, 2005


Piotr M. Organa
  What's SB? :)

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August 10, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
  Hi Piotr,

On my Mitsubishi Diamond Pro Monitor there are three SB or Super Bright functions. SB OFF - for text base images, SB 1 - for images, SB2 for watching dvds. Each doubles the brightness of the screen after you have calibrated the monitor. I don't know if your monitor would have the same feature.


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August 11, 2005


Piotr M. Organa
  Thanks and no, do not have those.
I think that a custom made profile is a neat, clean approach. It will let me keep monitor colour at the setting of my choice (bp compatible, for example) and yet print decent color.
I tried homemade settings and do not like them.

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August 11, 2005


Piotr M. Organa
  Hi, Simon,
Someone from Epson tech support, who actually has R800, advised me to try Photo Enhance setting in Color Management (Photoshop), instead of usual ICM - ICM off. I did.
From the Tone menu I picked Vivid and got pretty decent print!
I'll wait for daylight to see it better and experiment more and will let you know. B&W came out OK, too.

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August 12, 2005

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