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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Andrea E. Martinez

Macro lens


Andrea E. Martinez

I have a Canon Digital rebel with a 100mm Macro 2.8 lens and when I try to take macro photos, the focused part of the photo is very limited and the rest is usually blurry, even at 2.8 aperture.
I have seen pictures taken with the same macro lens and the whole subject is in focus. I keep playing around with it but don't seem to get it right.
Any ideas or suggestions? Thanks.
here's a sample photo.

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August 05, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  Use the other extreme of your f-stop settings...and a tripod.

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August 05, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  You're at the wrong end of the aperature scale for great depth of field. Try shooting at a much smaller aperature, say f/16. It will increase the DOF.

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August 05, 2005

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