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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Brad silcott


Help please. My I have not used my scanner is two weeks I laid a photo down for scan and wierd lines of light showed up. They run the length of the photo. I have a picture I just can't post it. I can't tell if this is a hardware or software problem. Shouldn't be hardware and can't figure out how it could be software. I am tell you guys I scanned in quite a few photos and then today it does this. I Havn't changed any settings or installed anything new or uninstalled anything. Please help I also mention its a epson perfection 1250

Thanks again

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July 26, 2005


Brendan Knell
  Can you post a photo that this has happened to?

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July 26, 2005


Brad silcott
Sure this is not a photo per se but I always run the scanner to check for dust before I put a print in and this is what I got.

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July 26, 2005


Brad silcott
Sure but I don't know how to get them just to this forum. Could I e-mail it to you?It is not a photo per se but I always run the scanner to check for dust before I put a print in and this is what I got.

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July 26, 2005


Brendan Knell
To get them in, log in, then respond to this thread, then at the bottom of the page, select how many photos you want uploaded, then hit submit, then on the next page select where the photos are.

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July 26, 2005


Brendan Knell
  To get them in, log in, then respond to this thread, then at the bottom of the page, select how many photos you want uploaded, then hit submit, then on the next page select where the photos are.

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July 26, 2005


Brad silcott
OK I will try it

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July 27, 2005


Brad silcott
  busted scanner
busted scanner

Brad silcott

OK I will try it

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July 27, 2005

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