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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Kelly Barclay

Why are images so dark with the canon 20d?

I'm curious if anyone else is getting dark exposures from the 20D? I have to lighten almost every picture in editing. Even on a sunny day they seem dark. I have my exposure compensation on too. Any ideas?

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July 18, 2005


Jon Close
  What exposure mode(s) are you shooting? Indoors/outdoors? With/without flash?
>>"I have my exposure compensation on too."<< ?? How have you set exposure compensation?

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July 18, 2005


Kelly Barclay
  I use the P setting alot when I'm not sure what the proper settings should be. I have the exposure comp on +2/3 right now and still some of the pictures I took over the weekend outdoors seemed too dark. It was cloudy but should have been light enough. When I go into Microsoft imaging and do exposure auto fix it almost always lightens it up. Plus the sharpness isn't there that I would expect from an 8 mp camera. Alot of pictures on this website look sharper and are taken with alot less of a camera. Do you have a 20D? Thanks for your help!

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July 18, 2005


Kelly Barclay
Speed setting- 1/250 5.6

Kelly Barclay

After exposure autofix in Microsoft Imaging. Notice lighter but not sharp.

Kelly Barclay

Here is an example of a picture I took about 1pm yesterday. It was cloudy. I put it on speed setting since she was swinging. The settings were 1/250 and 5.6 and you can see how dark it is yet the detail is good. When I lighten it so it's not so harse I lose the detail and sharpness. Any suggestions?

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July 18, 2005

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