BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Tonya R. Boles

Konica Minolta Dimage Z1

Hi everyone...

I hope someone with the same camera can answer this question. I want to play the movie I just recorded on my computer, but get an error. ( file not supported) This used to be fixed, but can't remember what I did to fix it...They won't play in media player, what do I need to use?
Please help, if you can...
Thanks in advanced.

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July 17, 2005


John C. Schwentner
  Download Quick Time Player, its free and will play the z-1 movies.

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August 02, 2005


Tonya R. Boles
  Thanks John, for resopnding to my question. I did download this, but still no luck. Maybe I got the wrong thing.. Can you send me the link.

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August 02, 2005


Tonya R. Boles
  No need for the link after all. I went back and tried it again, and it works now... You must have sent me some good luck vibes...

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August 02, 2005


John C. Schwentner
  Glad it worked for you

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August 03, 2005

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