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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

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BetterPhoto Member

Trouble with film advance in Canon TX

I just purchased a used Canon TX off of ebay...everything seems to be working fine, except that when I load film into the camera, it only takes one picture, and then the film doesn't advance or something because even after 24 exposures the film rewinds very fast. I have tried the shutter and the film advance lever while the camera back was open and both seem to be working fine--maybe I am just loading the film wrong?

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July 17, 2005


Jon Close
  The TX is similar to the Ftb, but with some limited features (eg. min. shutter speed to 1/500 instead of 1/1000). The Ftb user manual at should be of help, especially the section on film loading.

To check whether the film is advancing, watch the rewind knob (top left of the camera) when you stroke the film advance lever. If it is not turning, the film is not advancing.

Probable causes for the film not advancing are:
(a) you haven't securely loaded it onto the take-up spool, or
(b) the take-up spool is broken and not latching securely onto the film leader.

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July 17, 2005

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