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Photography Question 

jetty yogindranath

How to heal the fungus in the lense?

dear sir,
thanks for giving such oppotunity.

I have Sigma 70-300 lense.It has small fungus in the lense.What is the procedure to eradicate it. Machanics are not available nearby to my village.
Can we continue to shoot with that lense.What is the differense in image quality.


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July 14, 2005

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
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  To get rid of it, send it to someone to get it cleaned off. They'll have to take the lens apart, so it'll require looking for a place that fixes cameras/lenses. Send it back to Sigma for repair if you can't locate a place.
If it's small it shouldn't affect the picture. Fungus can cause a discoloration to the anti-abberation coatings on glass, but if the fungus spot is small and dosen't get in the way of pictures, neither would the spot. But if the fungus spreads, that could cause a problem. If the lens works as usual, it may be too expensive to make it worth sending it off to get it removed.

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July 14, 2005


Jon Close
  Direct sunlight on the glass elements will kill the fungus and stop its spread. Be careful not to leave the lens unattended in the sun as it can focus the rays and could cause a fire. To prevent mold try to keep the humidity low when the lens is stored. Silia gel dessicants in the camera bag or lens case are helpful.

Ditto Gregory's comments. Small amounts, though visible when looking in the lens, will not make a discernable difference in your photos. If there is a large amount of fungus causing noticable problems in your pictures, the lens will have to be disassembled and cleaned by an experienced professional. This may cost more than the lens is worth.

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July 15, 2005


jetty yogindranath
  Thanks to Mr.Gregory La Grange and john close for immediate response and guidance.

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July 15, 2005

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