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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Hans Abplanalp

Canon printer problem

I have a Canon S830D bubble jet printer which gives me excellent prints, but is suddenly giving problems. If I do a print check; Cyan doesn't print at all and the yellow grid is smeared.

Does anyone have an idea, or is this a job for Canon services?

Thanks for any response!

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July 02, 2005


  Take out the Cyan ink cartridge and reinsert it. Then go to the maintenance screen and select 'deep cleaning'. Do the deep cleaning a couple of times (yes, it uses ink) and see if there is any improvement. Hope this helps.

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July 02, 2005


Melissa L. Zavadil
  Andy is right, it sounds like a plugged jet.

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July 02, 2005


Hans Abplanalp
  Thanks Andy and Melissa,

So far no luck but you're probably right -I hope!!

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July 02, 2005

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