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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

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Selenium Meter Calibration

I have a Weston IV light meter and I recently bought a new selenium cell for it. Being an engineer and tinkerer I figured I'd have a go at replacing it myself. So the new cell is in (exact physical replacement) but I am unsure how to calibrate it. I plan to use a grey card and copy table and match it up against the meter in my SLR. The new cell output is very high based on my check of it simply connecting as the old one was. I believe a resistor is necessary to tune it, but I am unsure if I should place a resistor in series with or parallel to the meter movement (or some combination thereof). I heard that the factory would custom wind the movements to match the cells, though I find that hard to believe. Any insights or advice? And yes, I know there are specialists who can do it for me but the doing is half the fun!!

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June 29, 2005

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