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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

James B. Hewin

Cleaning lenses

This question may seem elementary but here goes:
I constantly worry about dust and film on the lens of my digital camera. I have read many conflicting opinions about the best way to keep lenses clean, and I have tried them all. Generally I use a soft cloth and sometimes breathe lightly on the lens for a little moisture.

My 2 worries are this:
1. Sometimes there seems to be film on the lens, perhaps skin oil from an accidental fingerprint, or perhaps smoke from cigarettes, or whatever else may get on it. Even after careful cleaning, I can still see reflective patterns remaining on the lens from the motion of the cloth.
2. I worry that if there is something hard on the lens I can’t see, that a little too much pressure with the cloth will end up permanently scratching the lens.

Harder pressure with the cloth might remove the remaining film but I am worried about scratching the lens. Any suggestions on effective would be greatly appreciated.

James Hewin

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June 28, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  For dust and other surface contaminants, a simple blower-brush works fine. (Don't forget to "blow" inside the lens cap while you're at it.)
For the other, (fingerprints,..etc.), I would advise against using anything except an approved lens cleaner and lens cloth.
When using these, use a circular motion.

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June 28, 2005

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