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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Susan Bohanon

Stroboframe users...

This may be a silly question, but....

When you attach the stroboframe which side do you put the handle on??

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June 27, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  Put it on the left side so you can reach the shutter with your right hand.

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June 28, 2005


Christopher A. Vedros
  This isn't really a silly question, Susan. When I bought my Stroboframe, the flash shoe was mounted on it backwards. I knew I wanted the handle on the left side, but then the flash was facing behind me! I had to get out a screwdriver and turn the flash shoe around.

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June 28, 2005


Rick Richardson
  I had to get my Stroboframe out to see what you guys were talking about - yep, left side.
Unless your shooting backup with Jerry Frazier, then you want to leave bracket in the car or risk getting chewed out!! :~)

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June 28, 2005


Susan Bohanon
  Thanks for the responses!!

I have been shooting with it on the wrong side for months and was still having weird shadow problems. Hopefully getting this corrected will help with that!

Thanks again

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June 28, 2005

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