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Bianca Thomas

Cleaning CCD screen

I have a Nikon D1X and it has been in a shop 4 x in 2 months for CCD cleaning...Can someone spare me? and save me some money...Is there less expensive way to do it....not only it cost $70 dollars each time they remove specs from a CCD screen but they keep camera few days as they are busy...What will be easiest way to do air compressor?????????????? lol
I like to do it myself and remove specs ...i have a spec grabber didnt try it yet...I change my lenses in prefect dust free enviroment and I cover my camera with plastic when I do it...I also keep camera opening down when I do it...and still problem...after shooting 20 shots specs come back again...WHELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
Thank u all

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June 26, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
  This is just a guess, but have you considered that it might be coming off of your lenses? Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems to me that the only time dust will get on your sensor is when the mirror is up (or at the very least the mirror makes it much harder for the sensor to get dirty). Make sure that the "back" of your lens (the part that attaches to the camera) is completely dust free before putting it on.

Hope this helps,

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June 26, 2005


Bianca Thomas
  Hi Kyle..Thank you for trying to help answering this misterious happening...Yes I clean my lenses before I change them...they are well kept in the cases ...seem to me colour of dust is totaly different from these specs...These are charcol black sharp...
But what will be least expewnsive way to clean this as it is happening to often...i have had cameras all my life never saw such...Now I need solution....hows everyone cleaning? I am sure not taking it to the shop so often...otherwise will empty your pocket is appreciated...

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June 26, 2005


Sandy Landon
  The book I have says that you can clean your sensor by locking up your mirror and use a hand-held air blower and blow the specs of dust out. I have tried it and it worked.

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June 26, 2005


Bianca Thomas
  Hiya Sandy....thank u for tryin to help..yes I know how to lock mirrors...however hand air blower if it is same that I have is I have is squizing would have to be like they use in camera show...electric air blower...wish to know where I can get one..would have to have reasonable pressure....i would think???????????i will try again that hand held see if it will work for me..
to me seem the specks would stay in camera unless is something strong that can blow it out....thanks Sandy for trying to help me..

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June 26, 2005


Debra Booth
  The Giottos Rocket Air Blower is very good for cleaning loose dust off a sensor. It costs about $10, and you can order them from most online stores. It also has a special valve that's supposed to keep you from blowing more dust in. I've read that you should not use blowers with brushes because they can actually scratch the sensor.

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June 27, 2005


Bianca Thomas
  debra I loooooooooove that cat :) Thank u for the info I will look it up....I did watch how they clean in the shop...they have one of those air hoses and they blow dust away...but I was to far away to see what kind a system it is...i would rather buy one then pay so much money each time...:)

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June 27, 2005

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