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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Dave Evans

Oh dear I dropped my camera

I was hiking today and as I set my Minolta 505Si Dynax SLR on a tripod to self time, a gust of wind sent the lot crashing to the problem now is the 28-80 lens will not zoom adjust, it is stuck in one position. is there anything I can do myself or is this a repair/replace scenario...i have no money so am keen to sort this out myself...any comments greatly appreciated many thanks....

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June 23, 2005


Brenda D.
  sorry about your bad luck on the lens, that bites if your still under warrenty id go that way first but if not sometimes it better and less expensive to get a new one, check with the repair shop first then make up your mind from there

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June 23, 2005


Dave Evans
  thanks brenda, unfortunatley its out of the warranty period.....

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June 23, 2005


Irene Troy
  Ouch Dave! Been there - done that - except in my case it was a 200-500mm on a tripod that fell over because I had not set the legs properly. Learning the hard way - that's me! Anyway, it is also a Minolta lens and although the warrenty period had ended my local dealer sent the lens in for an estimate. I was surprised and very happy when the lens was returned to me in fine shape all for under $30! In my case the front focus ring got dinged and it would not allow me to manually focus the lens. You might try a local Minolta dealer and see if they can help. Good luck!

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June 23, 2005


Rosemary Buffoni
  Just as an aside: It is inexpensive to put your camera and selected gear on your homeowner's insurance policy. I have all mine covered for replacement value and as I said-not expensive. I would hate to drop anything-or have it stolen-but this way it is covered and I can rest more easily.

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June 23, 2005


Brenda D.
  Rosemary, what a great bit of advice for anyone! I never would have thought to put equiptment on the insurance , thanks.

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June 23, 2005


Kyle D. Neff
  I've done the same thing..In my case I was able to pull the front of the lens. It was just crunched in and wouldn't allow me to focus..but now it works of luck

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June 23, 2005


Dave Evans
  thanks for all your suggestions seems its a pretty easy mistake to make and things can always be worse! i'll take it along to the service agent and see what they say and look into adding equipment to the house insurance..thanks again, Dave

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June 25, 2005


Brian A. Wolter
  If it is the least bit windy out and I am using my tripod, I have a small bag with some weights in it that hang from the center of the tripod for added weight and the tripod won't flip over.

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July 28, 2005

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