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Photography Question 

Skyy McKendry

Need help with Photoshop Toolbox

For the past two months I've been unable to use ANY of the tools in Photoshop 7.0's Toolbox. I've uninstalled & reinstalled it dozens of times. I've deleted ALL traces of Photoshop from my computer & reinstalled it & it STILL won't work. I even bought a new OEM version of Photoshop 7.0 hoping it would fix the problem & it didn't. I've lost several clients becuase of this & I'm 2 months past due on clients photos. If there is ANYONE who knows how to resolve this PLEASE HELP ME!

Skyy McKendry

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June 16, 2005


Connie J. Bagot
  Can you see the Toolbox? Can you see all of the tools in the toolbox? If so, do they appear to be normal (not shadowed)? You are trying to bring them up using the mouse? Can you make one work by using its keyboard shortcut? For example, if you type l
(that is an ell) do you get the lasso tool?

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June 16, 2005


Melissa L. Zavadil
  Skyy, I hope that you have figured your problem out by now but if you haven't try this site they are a great resource for PS questions.

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June 16, 2005


Skyy McKendry
  Thanks Connie & Melissa-

The tools aren't grayed out & I can bring them up with keyboard shortcuts. I checked it again & some tools work like the crop tool & when I use the lasso on the healing tool but tools like burn, dodge, healing tool & clone stamp tool do not (plus many others).

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June 17, 2005


Connie J. Bagot
  Probably we could just concentrate on one tool and if we find the solution to it then you could apply it to the other tools. So with the clone tool, you can bring it up but it doesn't work? There should be a "bar" across the top of your working window that tells you the brush size, opacity, you see this bar and if so, what are your settings for the tool?

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June 17, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  I hope this isn't too dumb of a response or even too obvious, but - have you contacted Adobe??
A friend installed CS recently, and couldn't get it working properly. Adobe's tech line talked him through the problem in one evening.

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June 17, 2005


  I don't know if this will help but it doesn't hurt to try....My SIL had problems where PS would automatically shut down when it tried to load brushes at start up. She uninstalled, reinstalled, and it still did it. I found this bit of info and it worked:
1. Load Adobe Photoshop
2. QUICKLY press Crtl+Alt+Shift on load to reset settings (right on load, and be fast - it may take several tries).
I think it will then ask if you want to restore yes.
See if that works. It may, it may I said, doesn't hurt to try!!!


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June 17, 2005


Skyy McKendry
  Problem fixed!!! I want to thank EVERYONE for your suggestions. As Melissa suggested. I posted a question on & received the answer to my problem in under 30 minutes. The respondent suggested I check under Image>Mode>RGB to see if RGB was checked. I checked it & everything is now working perfectly. It's great to know that there are so many caring people in the same business I'm in. Thank you all so much!

Skyy McKendry

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June 17, 2005


Connie J. Bagot
  I'm glad you found your solution!

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June 17, 2005

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