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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

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BetterPhoto Member

Canon Powershot S2 SI “Macro” Problems

I have an Powershot S2 SI I have looked at the manual & no matter how many differrent ‘things” I try

– it simply will not go into the “Super Macro mode”. ( I need this mode in my business )

Can someone PLEASE help me .

Also in Canadian $ how much would an adaptor / lens hood combo cost - + does the end have threads – for

A filter to screw into ?

Thanks Craig

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June 08, 2005


Jon Close
  Don't know why it won't go into "Super Macro Mode" for you. Zoom the lens to maximum Wide; set the mode dial to P (or Av, Tv, M, Movie, or "My Colors"); press the "flower" button once to get regular Macro (flower symbol displayed on screen), press it again for Super Macro ("S flower" symbol in the LCD), and again to cancel Macro.

When in Super Macro mode the lens will only focus on objects within 0-10cm (0 to 3.9 inches) of the end of the lens.

LAH-DC20 (lens adapter and hood set) I've seen advertised for ~$45 CAD. It enables you to attach 58mm diameter filters or accessory lenses.

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June 09, 2005


James C. Plummer
  Do a search for Lensmate, and go to their website. They have some intersting adaptors for S2 That allows for better protection of the lense and auto focus . They have some great examples of equipment used with their adaptor. Check it out


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March 04, 2006

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