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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Connie J. Turner

problem with background

Will someone please look at my gallery at the first few picutes taken in my "studio"? I bought this new light brown back drop, but thats exactly what it looks like. I don't know how to soften it or drown it out some. I don't know if I'm to close to the subject or its my lighting. I'm using two studio lights with a diffuser and the other is pointed toward a reflector (the reflector toward the subject of course and the light is turned around away from the subject). I'm shooting with 125 sp and 6f. and 200 iso. I also have a flash attachment on my camera that I direct at the ceiling. I don't know how lighting plays apart on it but I'm doing something wrong. The black one seems to come out fine. Any opinions about my work are wanted and needed!

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June 05, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  After looking at your images, I'm not sure what your exact concern is with the background, but the images appear flat and bland to me. The background is simply what it is.
Here's my advice for what it's worth:
Your subject seems to be right in front of the background, so any lighting you're using is also striking the background. Put as much physical space between the subject and background as possible. Use gobos or whatever you can concoct to keep as much spill light off the background as you can. If you are using a main and fill light, make them a little more contrasty, perhaps a 1:3 ratio. And finally... by all means, add a rim light to your subject to further separate him/her from the background. All this should give more impact to your subject, while subduing the background.
Hope this helps.
Michael H. Cothran

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June 06, 2005


Connie J. Turner
  Thank you Micheal for your response! What does it mean to add rim light to your subject?

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June 06, 2005

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