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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

1.3 volt battery for CanonTX

Hi.I have an old Canon TX camera and the battery has run down after 25 years! I can't find any here in Sydney-any ideas? Are they available on the internet? Thanks for any input;I can't receive e-mails at present but am hoping this will at least "send". Thanks

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June 05, 2005


Christopher A. Vedros
  If you go to there is a battery search link at the top of the page. If you put in any numbers from your battery, you can probably find a replacement model for it.

After you find the right model number, you should be able to find an online place selling it. There are lots of online stores sellings batteries.

Good luck.

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June 05, 2005


Jon Close
  Common problem with older cameras. They were designed to use 1.35 volt mercury cells, which are no longer available due to environmental concerns. You can use similarly sized alkaline or silver-oxide batteries, but they are slightly higher voltage and can throw the metering off. There are adapters to use with these batteries to match the voltage, such those made by C.R.I.S. Camera Services; or there are air-zinc Wein cells that match the 1.35 voltage, but have a relatively short life.

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June 05, 2005

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