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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Benjamin Baron

Can not shoot with a adapter

I just bought an adapter for my Minolta Maxxum 3 so I can use m42 lenses with it , but it does not shoot , I put it in manual mode but it still does not shoot , any ideas ??


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June 01, 2005


Jon Close
  The default for Maxxum cameras is to lock the shutter if it does not sense a lens mounted. Since there is no electronic communication when using the adapter, the camera will not shoot.

You can override this default. It is explained on p.54 of the manual - download it from Konica-Minolta if you don't have it.

To disable the shutter release lock -
(1) Turn the camera off;
(2) Press and hold the subject-program button and the drive-mode button (two buttons to the right of the top panel LCD);
(3) With both buttons held down, turn the camera on.

"OF" (ie. "off") will be displayed in the LCD to indicate that the shutter release lock is overridden. Repeat the procedure to turn the lock back on (LCD will display "ON").

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June 02, 2005


Jon Close
  D'oh! Forgot to plug in the link to the Konica-Minolta site for downloading manuals:

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June 02, 2005


Benjamin Baron
  Thanks for the tip, will check it out.


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June 02, 2005


Benjamin Baron
  worked , thanks

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June 03, 2005

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