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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Trudi Niverth

Is a part missing from my Tripod?

I got a sturdy, Mohawk Tripod from a garage sale. What I didn't notice that the part the usually hold the camera equipment - doesn't seem to have a screw or thread that will hold a camera!

Is there something missing on the top of the tripod, or am I missing doing something that would bring it up in order to support the camera equipment?

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May 25, 2005

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Got something missing.
The platform that has the screw that tightens into the hole on the camera is called the head. And it's supposed to have a screw.
Doubt if you can order just a screw from any photo supply store. You might have to get a new head.
But it's a standard size, don't even think a medium format camera would have a different sized tripod hole. So a trip to a hardware store may get you regular screw that would fit.
But now I see you also said there's no thread, you may be missing the whole head. Those you can buy. Heads screw on to the post that you raise up and down.

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May 26, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  It may also be a quick-disconnect mounting plate that's missing.
Is there a "hole" in the top,...and a little tension lever that seems to serve no purpose?

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May 26, 2005 - Robert Hambley

Contact Robert Hambley
Robert Hambley's Gallery

Can you post a picture of the top, then you should be able to get a diffinitive answer. (hopefully, you shoot digital, so this would be quick and easy.)


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May 26, 2005


Trudi Niverth

Thanks for all you help. I DID take a picture...let's see if it works. Yes the top seems to be an indented square with 2 small rectangular holes on top, and a square where there IS a tension lever that seems to do nothing. Yesterday, when I moved that liver, a little piece fell off I still have it)..don't know where it came from.

From what you've all said, it seems to be missing a "head' because there is nothing on top to anchor anything to. I hope they are not too expensive...should I go to Wolff camera or something?

Also, speaking of digital cameras. I also have 2. Both Olympus 3000, and 3020 zoom, with no specific directions for either. The newer one...when I zoom in and out, you can see the image through the viewfinder, yet with the old one, you can only see it zoom through the window in the front. Is that the way it's supposed to be?

Anyway, one question at a time...I'll see if I can get this picture uploaded that I took.

Thanks, Trudi

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May 26, 2005


Trudi Niverth

Thanks for all you help. I DID take a picture...let's see if it works. Yes the top seems to be an indented square with 2 small rectangular holes on top, and a square where there IS a tension lever that seems to do nothing. Yesterday, when I moved that liver, a little piece fell off I still have it)..don't know where it came from.

From what you've all said, it seems to be missing a "head' because there is nothing on top to anchor anything to. I hope they are not too expensive...should I go to Wolff camera or something?

Also, speaking of digital cameras. I also have 2. Both Olympus 3000, and 3020 zoom, with no specific directions for either. The newer one...when I zoom in and out, you can see the image through the viewfinder, yet with the old one, you can only see it zoom through the window in the front. Is that the way it's supposed to be?

Anyway, one question at a time...I'll see if I can get this picture uploaded that I took.

Thanks, Trudi

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May 26, 2005


Trudi Niverth
Hmm, I see somehow my response got posted twice...It says if I have images ready, and want to upload, enter the # of images; I do that, however, it doesn't seem to be working. Perhaps cause it's AOL...I don't know. But I tried 3 times to upload a pic of the top of my more time.

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May 26, 2005


Trudi Niverth
Hmm, I see somehow my response got posted twice...It says if I have images ready, and want to upload, enter the # of images; I do that, however, it doesn't seem to be working. Perhaps cause it's AOL...I don't know. But I tried 3 times to upload a pic of the top of my more time.

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May 26, 2005

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