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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Bryan Kearns

Will a Canon 10D power up without a lens attached.


Dumb impatient question follows!

I just bought a Canon 10D body. So I have the 10D body, I am looking at it, getting the feel for it. I can't wait to get the lens that I ordered. My question is will the 10D power up without a lens attached? I hope not, since mine does not!

I am just hoping one of you guys can set my mind at ease here!

Thanks in advance!

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May 17, 2005


Jon Close
  I am pretty sure it should power up without a lens in place. Perhaps your battery is low/bad.

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May 18, 2005


Melissa L. Zavadil
  Well I hate to say this but I just took my lens off my 10D and it powered up just fine. Is your battery charged? Also, do you have the small quarter sized cr2025 battery installed? Your camera probably does not have this battery if you just bought the body.

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May 18, 2005


Bryan Kearns
  Whew, it works fine. I left a battery in the charger all day and tried it and it powers up fine.

Thanks to all who took the time to answer my question, it is appreciated greatly!

Now, where is that lens?!?!

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May 18, 2005

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