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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

What's wrong with my shutter release?

My Nikon FM3A, started having a problem yesterday. I rewound a roll and went to load another. I pressed the shutter release once and then I could not advance the film. The film advance lever will not go more the 90%s and the shutter release is no loger engaged. Any thoughts?

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May 15, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  Is there an MD-12 motor drive attached to your FM3A? If so, remove it and your shutter and film advance will function normally.
This is common when using an accessory motor drive to the last frame on a roll. The winding mechanism on the drive gets stuck in mid-cycle and locks up the camera. It's easy to correct though by removing the drive and turning the little spindle back to 180 degrees so it will line up properly with the advance mechanism on the bottom of the camera.

If you DO NOT have a motor drive, then I can't figure out what could have caused this. It may be a mechanical malfunction which needs repair.

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May 15, 2005

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