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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Andrea E. Martinez

Focusing with a macro lens

  Peaches and cream....
Peaches and cream....

Andrea E. Martinez

  Blueberries and cream....
Blueberries and cream....

Andrea E. Martinez

I just bought a Canon 100mm 2.8 macro lens and when I take pictures, it seems that only the center is focused and the rest is can I make the whole picture in focus when taking close-ups or is it that the depth of field is narrow with macro lenses? any ideas? thanks!

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May 10, 2005


  Depth-of-field gets narrower as your lens gets closer to the subject. Use the Av mode on your camera and set it to the smallest aperture (largest number) as possible. Experience with different apertures and see the results change. Hope this helps.

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May 10, 2005


Andrea E. Martinez
  Thanks so much Andy! I will try that!

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May 10, 2005

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