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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Image discolouration

I have owned my Canon i9900 photo printer for about 9-months and it has made beautiful images for me until the other day. I have aligned and realigned and done everything in my rather limited know-how.

The images when printed lose their vivid nature and more often than not have a great tendency to become discoloured in shades of greens and blues. It just started happening like I said and the Canon tech support are like drones.

If more information is needed I can do my best to provide it but thank you in advance.



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May 08, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  This may be a "Dumb" question on my part, but have you done an inkjet test to be sure all your ink ports are clear and working? If so, have you done anything to disrupt your working profile?
Michael H. Cothran

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May 08, 2005

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  I'd also like to ask what you mean by lose their vivid nature? Is that they come out that way, or come out vivid and then later on lose it?
If you haven't printed in a while, it can take a few tries to get the ink flowing. A few days idle and first print comes out very blue looking. It's recommended by some to print something everyday to keep a printer working it's best.
and that doesn't have to be an entire picture. you could just make something with pink, yellow, black and cyan squares or circles. Maybe add green and purple. Do it on regular paper.

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May 09, 2005

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