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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Canon Ae-1 Program

I just started really using my AE-1 p about six months ago even though I've owned it for about ten years. Recently, as I was checking the light in the room with the camera, I noticed that the meter was telling me to set the f stop very high. No matter how much light I remove it still tells me to set the aperture at 16 or up. I normally use Kodak 400 and my pictures turn out great. Ever since this began, the pictures have been uncontrolled. I changed the battery and even tried setting the film speed at different settings. The resulting changes are minimal. Please help, I really like my camera and do not wish to replace it.

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May 03, 2005


Jon Close
  Set the film ASA/ISO to 400. What is the shutter speed setting?

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May 03, 2005


Laura Roth
  what modes are you using the AE-1 in? Are you doing manual Aperture, Manual shutterspeed, or all?

I'm inclined to thing that the program chip may be going, let's hope not.
One temp fix to try - and this could even test if my theory is correct... try setting the aperture by hand, shift the shutter to program mode, and engage the little "stop down" doo-hicky next to the lense. Shoot some pics in Stop-down mode and change the aperture to different settings.

If you don't get decent pics that way, then something is probably wrong with the program chip & I would take it in to have it looked at.

Either way, you can always try setting your AE-1 P in a corner, getting frustrated at it, wish it death threats and then try it again. I've found that most of my bizarre problems with the AE-1 have spontaneously fixed themselves after I do that. It usually decides to start working again as soon as I set foot in the repair shop also.

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May 04, 2005

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