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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Which lense is best for wedding photos?

I have a Minolta Dynnax 9xi camera, and have been taking infromal photos for a few months now, and the response from the development company I use, was very pleasing. So, I would like to say that I think the photos are good. I have to take photos at a wedding in a few weeks' time, but I'm very uncertain about which lense to use and the setting for the photographs. The couple doesn't want the whole family day photo thing, just photos after the wedding. My problem: I have three lenses, a 35mm-80mm lense; a 35mm-80mm microscopic lense, and a 35mm-300mm lense. I must admit, I take just about all my photos with the 35mm-300mm lense, but I would like to get comments on which one would be best for full length photos, and whether I should rather buy something else. It is autumn in South Africa, and the wedding would be at about 14h00 in the afternoon.
Any comments would be welcome.
Coennie Boshoff

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May 01, 2005


Samuel Smith
most wedding pictures are taken in the 50 to 105 range,so your 35-300 should work.if it's at 1400h,that's pretty harsh light,got uv or polarizer filter?

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May 02, 2005

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