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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Julie M. Cwik

compact flash problems

Hi, I own a fuji finepix S2 Pro, and I have a compact flash card in there. I was downloading my images as I usually do, and when I was done I turned off my camera. This morning I went to turn on the camera and on the screen it states "Card Not Initalized" when I take that card out it defaults to reading the smart media card in there. Did I fry my memory card? Or is there a way of saving it?


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April 22, 2005


  Try format it in the camera.

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April 22, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  I think you just need to reformat your card. You probably turned it off while it was still in a "communication" mode with your computer. This causes lots of problems, but none are usually fatal.
Michael H. Cothran

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April 22, 2005


Julie M. Cwik
  I have tried to format it in the camera but it won't let me get to that area, I push all different buttons and nothing happens, the screen doesn't change. I even tried hooking the camera up to the computer and format the card that way. Still the same.

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April 22, 2005

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