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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Allen Staley

Canon 580 ex flash poor exposure

Hi all,
I read every newsletter but this is the first time that I have actually had to publish a post. I have a Canon 20D and I am using the 580ex flash and most every picture is at least 1 stop too dark and and sometimes more. I am using Auto ETTL on the flash setting and Program mode on the camera and I have also used the Auto mode. I have also tried using Auto ETTL mode on the camera and manual mode with several different manual settings eg. 1/60 @ f/5.6, 1/125 @ f/8 ISO settings at 100, ,200, 400,and 800. I guess what my question is: is anyone using this combination camera and flash and getting good exposures with out compentsating either the flash,camera or both? I intended on using this camera for shooting weddings becasue of the speed and quality but I had to revert back to my Fuji S7000 to do my last wedding because of the flash problem. A use a sunpack auto flash with my Fuji S7000 set the flash for the distance I need and use the settings the flash calls for in manual mode on the camera eg 1/60th @ f/2.8 and the exposures are wonderful.
Sorry I rambled on so much but I have talked to several people concerning this problem and haven't got a good answer yet.

Allen Staley

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April 18, 2005

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