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Nikon N55 Troubleshooting

I have Nikon N55. The last couple rolls of film I have tried to load have reversed and I cannot use them. Any ideas? Thx.

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April 17, 2005


Mark Feldstein
  I'm not sure I quite understand your question, Kathy. Did you mean the film leader accidentally went back into the film cassette before you had a chance to use the film? If so, go to a camera store or film lab and ask them to use a "film leader retriever", it's incredible, non-edible, and, if you want one of your very own to carry in your camera gear bag, very affordable. So, yes, there IS a tool for such things. It will help extract the film leader so you can try getting loaded or reloaded, as the case may be, (again).

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April 17, 2005


  Actually, I liked the "Bag of Glass" a little better. We've had this happen to 5 or 6 rolls so we're doing something wrong. We thread a little around the far roll (tech talk) and it still reverses back into the cassette. Help!

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April 17, 2005


  Actually, I liked the "Bag of Glass" a little better. We've had this happen to 5 or 6 rolls so we're doing something wrong. We thread a little around the far roll (tech talk) and it still reverses back into the cassette. Help!

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April 17, 2005


Priscilla A. Fuglaar
  My N55 does this, every time. Even if I retrieve the leader, it still rewinds it. Defeating the purpose.
I've tried:
leaving the camera on and putting the film in and then closing it
putting the film in while off and then turning it on after closing
It's annoying, and the store I bought it from wants me to send it back so they can make sure it's faulty before they will refund. It seems like this is a common problem with the model.

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November 23, 2005


George Anderson
  See also:

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November 24, 2005

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