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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Batteries and Flash Photography

I am using a Canon EOS Digital Rebel with a Tamaron flash. They work excellent together but the problem I seem to be having is the flash batteries have been dying quickly. I have been photographing a vocal contest that requires an external flash for the pics to come out. Even if I use lithium batteries, by the end of 2 hrs the camera battery is keeping "up to speed" with a min of 3/4 of the battery still left but the flash batteries are so low that it takes several seconds (6+ seconds) to recharge rather than the "immediate" (1-2 seconds) recharge I get at the beginning of shooting. Any suggestions? Thanks

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April 15, 2005


Jon Close
  Use NiMH rechargeables. They'll give you faster recyling, and it won't increase until they are nearly exhausted.

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April 15, 2005


Jon Close
  P.S. Carry 2-3 sets of the rechargeables as they'll give fewer total flashes (but at much quicker recycle times).

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April 15, 2005


Christopher A. Vedros
  Ditto what Jon said. Also, try not to charge them too long before your planned shoot, like maybe a day or so.

Unlike Alkalines, NiMH rechargeables will gradually lose a little of their charge just by sitting there. If you charge them up and store them with your gear for next week's shoot, they might not be at their peak charge level.

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April 15, 2005

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