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cleaning the glass on scanners

what would you use to clean the glass on scanners?

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April 13, 2005


Mark Feldstein
  Hi Kathy: First I suggest like cleaning any optical device, blowing any loose stuff off the surface helps. Then, assuming it's really glass and not plexiglass, a very soft clean cloth lightly, followed by a little Windex or some other glass cleaner with a spot of ammnonia in it. If it's got a lot of greasy finger prints, I highly recommend ROR (Residual Oil Remover) which sells for a few bucks a bottle at B&H.

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April 13, 2005


Christopher A. Vedros
  I use regular Windex. Spray just a little at a time, or spray it onto your cloth. You don't want to soak it and risk having some liquid leak in if your scanner isn't sealed well.

Make sure to use a very soft, lint-free cloth.

My wife scans her scrapbook pages and other creations on our A3 scanner. Sometimes even before the glue is dry, so I clean our scanner glass pretty often.

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April 13, 2005


Brenda D.
  hi Kathy, I work in a photo lab so we have to clean our scanners quite often, in our training we were told never to use anything with amonia eventually it will pit your glass, not to mention my husband works in a glass factory and makes the glass that goes into the flat bed scanners for Dell computers. glass plus doesnt have any amonia.

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April 13, 2005


Mark Feldstein
  Interesting Brenda. I had NO idea ammonia can cause glass pitting. I wonder why the guys at Windex with "Ammonia D" haven't figured that out yet. Or, maybe they have but their product just helps outfits like Dell to sell more replacement glass? I luff dis countree !!

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April 14, 2005


Laura Clay-Ballard
  I've been using a microfiber lens cleaning cloth after I blow all the cat hair (LOL) and pollen off! So far, so good. But, it is nice to know about glass plus (the no ammonia thing).
I'm wondering? Do y'all think the pre-moistened lens cloths by zeiss would accomplish the same thing? They are supposedly non-abrasive and contain no ammonia and are recommended for computer screens, camera lenses, etc. I have a whole box of them, but haven't tried them, yet.

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April 14, 2005


Brenda D.
  Hi I have no idea why manufactures dont tell you why amonia will pit glass I do know how though, glass is made up of (my spelling is horrible)dolomite,calcium,sand,rouge and recycled glass ect,the rouge is a powdered form of rust(the same thing us women put on our face)try putting a penny or any metal in a glass of amonia and leaving it for a while to see what happens.i personally like glass plus brand window cleaner but the stuff you buy to put in your windshield wiper thing is just as good and only cost about $1 per gallon ,not too bad considering all the money were putting in gas now it doesnt hurt to save somewhere.

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April 14, 2005

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
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  Glass is actually liquid that is so viscous that it has properties that make it act like a solid.

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April 14, 2005


Brenda D.
  i remember hearing that glass is liquid, if you look at a very very old window pane you can see where the bottom will be thicker than the top not by much you'd probably need a micrometer to tell.

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April 14, 2005


Dan Smith
  I use a micro fiber cloth and the all lens safe (inc. coated lens) spray eye glass lens cleaner from walmart it works GREAT !!

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April 14, 2005


John C. Schwentner
  Hi, I use Canon camera lens cleaner and I dont think there is anything safer. I figure that if it is made for fine ground glass lenses, must be great for any glass

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April 26, 2005

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