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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Heidi Dunlop

Tripods for Photography: Fixing a Squeak

I have a Bogen 3265 head (about 6 years old). In the last year it has been making an awful squeak when I move it. I am afraid to use anything on it--like WD40. But the squeak has to go. Any ideas?

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April 11, 2005


A very small amount of Dawn Dishwashing Liquid (or any other brand) should do the trick. WD40 shouldn't hurt anything. The trick is that anything you use, use it sparingly. Just make sure you remove any excess so that it doesn't get smeared and possibly get on your camera. Apply only a small "dab" where it is needed.

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April 11, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  Try contacting Bogen's Web site directly to see what they recommend. This may be a condition that had occurred frequently enough that their "brain team" has already come up with the perfect solution to the problem.

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April 11, 2005


Bill Boswell
  I wonder if you might have a bit of grit or sand in the mechanism. I would hesitate to use any lubricant since it may impair the locking function of your ball head.

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April 12, 2005


Bill Boswell
  I wonder if you might have a bit of grit or sand in the mechanism. I would hesitate to use any lubricant since it may impair the locking function of your ball head.

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April 12, 2005


Heidi Dunlop
  I went to Bogen website and really couldn't find anything that addressed the problem. I sent them a query--and we'll see if they respond. The sound of the squeak is like a dog's whine.
Also, although the locking function seems to work ok, the entire head swivels--and I can't figure out a solution to that either. (Another query to Bogen.) To be honest--the locking function is slipping. Especially if I use my 105mm 2.8 Nikon lens--which is a bit heavier. I see there is a new ball head pistol grip head out there by Bogen--maybe that is the intended fix for this problem--but I figured spending $80-100 on this head 6 years ago that it would last me much longer. I shopped and considered Bogen the best when I purchased the tripod setup.

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April 12, 2005


Heidi Dunlop
  NO reponse from Bogen. Guess I'll try again.

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April 20, 2005

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