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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

JAMK Photography

Overexposure problem

I have a D70 and a Nikkor 70-200mm VR lens. I took a few shots and without changing any settings or lighting conditions, my photos would go from normal to severely overexposed (almost white) for a few shots then back to normal. I'm wondering if it's my camera or there's a problem with my lens. This happened on P mode, A mode and M mode.

Did anyone else have this same problem?

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April 09, 2005


Pam Lettie
  My D100 was working just fine, then it started overexposing almost every outdoor photo. I wondered if there's a button I don't know about or something. Did you ever solve your problem?

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July 30, 2006


JAMK Photography
  Hi Pam,

Yes, I did. There was a problem with the camera. I can't remember what it was but my camera eventually went white all the time and was basically frozen. I couldn't change any settings. I sent it to Nikon and they fixed it. They considered it a major repair. My D70 did a similar thing and had Nikon fix it.


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July 30, 2006

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