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Photography Question 

Anonymous Anon

bounce flash and fill in flash

hi everyone. I'm using a Canon powershot g6 with Canon 420EX flash. I am looking around to find articles about flash usage; especially on fill in flash and bounce flash. I am looking for articles that cover the intermediate-basics and give out a couple of examples/hints/practices.
if you could help me, that would be really nice!
My specific problems are: white balance with bounce flash, light effects (where it comes from) fill bounce flash, and 'how much flash' for fill in flash.
thanks all.

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April 04, 2005


Jon Close
  Your G6 and 420EX handle all of that automatically. The G6's flash metering automatically sets the flash output as main light or fill flash depending on the exposure mode and light levels. You can use the Flash Exposure Compensation control on the G6 to add more or less flash lighting to your tastes.

While the G6 can be set to manually control the 420EX's flash output from Full power down to 1/16 power, this is only useful in very specialized controlled circumstances (Macro and multi-light setups) where you set the flash exposure using guidenumber formula.

White balance should be set to Flash. Note that indoors you usually have 2 light sources - the flash which is daylight balanced, and the ambient light (tungsten or fluorescent usually) which have a different light balance. It is not possible to get both the flash-lit near subject and ambient-lit background to have the same color balance, unless you put a filter over the flash so it matches the ambient light (and set WB for the ambient light).

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April 05, 2005

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