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Using the Vivitar DF200 digital flash

I have an Olympus C5000 Zoom camera, and I purchased the Vivitar DF200 which is a slave flash that will work with almost all digital cameras. It is supposed to sync with the camera's internal flash. It worked the first time I used it, but has not cooperated with the camera since and it doesn't have a test-fire button. The power light and the ready light turn on, but it doesn't flash. I've checked to make sure the camera is set to the right settings (red-eye on, WB set to sunny) as listed in the manual. I'd appreciate anyone's thoughts. Thanks.

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April 03, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  Turn off the red-eye reduction. The built-in flash is emitting a short flash to get the subjects iris to close a bit. This will make the slave flash prematurely.

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April 04, 2005


  I have tried with the built-in flash on various settings, but the Vivitar flash does not flash at all. There is no way to test that the flash even works. The Vivitar manual says to have the camera set to red-eye so that the DF200 can sense the pre-flash in order to know when to fire. I've searched the Internet for user reviews of this flash and there are none. Should I take that as a sign?

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April 04, 2005

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